Thursday 20 June 2013

Identifying the real leather stuff

The decision to buy any leather item is not an easy thing since it requires the buyer to identify whether the leather item is genuine or fake one. Since there are many artificial leather items available in the market, therefore, one should consider the following factors while making a purchase decision:

1. Touch and feel of a leather can tell much about the leather quality. The genuine type of leather is really soft and elastic. Thus when purchasing a leather item feel it several times for a careful analysis.
2. Observation is also an essential thing. A true leather jacket would be having very clear pores, is textured and there are no additional layers of textile on the inner side of the leather jacket. These factors need to be considered carefully.
3.  Smell the leather and you will identify that the leather is real or not. Fake leather has bad smell due to inferior processing. Some times the fake leather may smell like plastic.
4. Pinch the leather item to see its elasticitiy. The more elastic a leather, higher are the chances that it is genuine.
5. The brand of the leather jacket is really an important factor to consider. Better a brand, better will be your purchase decision.

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